Broccoli, also known as the green cauliflowers or calabrese are relatives of the cauliflower and are becoming more and more popular in Poland, since they have a lot of nutritional values, vitamins, mineral salts and other biologically active elements. Moreover, they are low in calories. Broccoli are resistant to ground frosts and thus they are perfectly
All kinds of carrots are rich in fibre, sugar, proteins and essential oils and do not contain fat. Carrot is rich in beta-carotene (provitamin A), vitamins C, E, K and many B-group vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, B9. Moreover, carrots contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, chromium, zink, fluoride and iron.
It comes from Cyprus, which is why it used to be called the Cypriot cabbage at first. It was known in the ancient Rome and Greece, from where it was spread to other countries. In Poland the cauliflower was begun to be grown at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. The edible part are the young flower sprouts, tipped with inflorescence, so-called
Already known and cultivated in the ancient Asia, from where it was brought to Europe. According to the Egyptian hieroglyphics, onion was for sure grown on the outskirts of Egyptian cities during the reign of Ramses II (1292-1234 B.C.).
Ribbed celery originates from the wild growing Eurasian celery and is said to be one of the oldest vegetables in the world. It was mentioned, among other things, in the notes of ancient Egyptians and Greeks, who considered it to be a magical and nerve-soothing plant. In folk medicine the celery seeds were used as a cure for flatulence and indigestion,
It is a very healthy vegetable, rich in mineral elements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium), vitamins B, C, and carotene. 100 g of the bean-pods provides about 40 kcal. Freshly picked bean pods are easily digested. String beans are usually served warm, with butter and crumbs. They also taste good in salads, e.g. cooked and cooled string beans